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Customer service success requires constant innovation and a commitment to continuous improvement. In this article, Enghouse Interactive looks at how to accelerate customer service success through the implementation of CCaaS solutions

Contact Centre as a Service (CCaaS) technology delivers multiple benefits. The best known are the ability to drive cost savings and improve the customer experience.

However, CCaaS delivers much more. Less well appreciated are the ways that its flexibility and agility allow companies to quickly access new opportunities that weren’t previously feasible.

The rapid pace of change in business and society means it’s essential for contact centres to respond quickly to new opportunities.

For example, customer and employee needs are changing radically. Customers have higher expectations and they’re embracing new digital channels in greater numbers.

Contact centre employees want a better working environment that allows them to focus on solving more complex customer problems. At the same time, competition is increasing, and the world is undergoing major changes such as the pandemic and geopolitical instability.

“CCaaS technology provides the platform to seize opportunities as soon as they appear, delivering flexibility and innovation that directly helps speed up customer service success”

So, how do you speed up customer service success with CCaaS exactly? Being able to respond quickly to change helps organisations provide the experience that customers demand. Using CCaaS solutions can accelerate this flexibility and agility.

Five areas where CCaaS platforms help meet the need for speed

1. Enable workplace flexibility

The transition to hybrid working and the growth in global operations require greater workplace flexibility. You could be downsizing to a new office as more people embrace remote working.

Alternatively, you might be moving to a bigger office to accommodate an expanding team. In both cases it’s more costly to move an on-premise solution.

A cloud-based contact centre gives you much more flexibility as agents can log on from virtually anywhere.

This meets the need for seamless global operations. Witness how companies with cloud contact centres were able to switch seamlessly to homeworking during the pandemic – while others struggled.

2. Help smaller organisations adopt new capabilities

Many smaller businesses can’t afford the infrastructure and IT support needed for a sophisticated on-premise solution. CCaaS allows SMEs to quickly implement advanced capabilities that may previously have been out of their reach on budget or infrastructure grounds.

This gives them more opportunities to grow as a business and hit customer service success targets. For example, you can easily plug new AI or chatbot technology into a CCaaS platform with little or no investment in additional infrastructure or development.

3. Embrace digital transformation

Even the largest enterprises can struggle to complete digital transformation programmes in one go. Using a cloud solution allows them to break it down into more manageable stages.

For example, organisations can keep some of their older systems on-premise and deploy more advanced capabilities via cloud-based solutions. This removes barriers to success and means investment is focused on future innovation.

4. Innovate quickly to achieve customer service success

The pressure is on for enterprises to become more digital and agile by adopting AI and other automation technologies. A CCaaS environment lets you embrace innovation faster, while safeguarding your existing operations.

For example, you can use the cloud for new technologies such as real-time chat translation with the ability to expand capacity as required.

You can also enable automation and create a unified desktop to improve the employee experience and give agents more time to help customers.

5. Meet changing customer needs

Many customers now expect a digital-first experience. They use newer channels such as WhatsApp and chatbots alongside email, chat, and social media.

Companies need to deliver an omnichannel experience that integrates all of these and allows customers to move seamlessly between channels.

A CCaaS platform makes this easier, providing an expandable, omnichannel foundation that lets you add new digital channels as needed.

Today, customer service success requires constant innovation and a commitment to continuous improvement.

To deliver this you need to be able to deploy new technology quickly to meet the changing needs of customers, employees, and the business.

CCaaS technology provides the platform to seize opportunities as soon as they appear, delivering flexibility and innovation that directly helps speed up customer service success.

Enghouse Interactive is a Housing Digital Stakeholder that works with over 120 housing associations, providing them with the customer engagement solutions they need to improve performance.

Image: Shutterstock

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